Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cu-Curricular Activities

First, I want to ask all you readers, are you satisfied with your CCA? Do your CCA is the one you like or just being chosen by the teachers?(Please answer the question in your comment)
As for me, my CCA is Saint John Ambulance Brigade. It is not the CCA I want because I had participated in this CCA in my school and I felt very tired because I hate marching. I need to follow a lot of instructions given by my teacher. The teacher is very humourous but also very strict. I reminisced the time that one of the member of the SJAB was abscene and was seen by my teacher that he was sitting with his friend and playing handphone games in my primary school, and the teacher was very furious. I did not know whether teacher scolded him or just advised him not to do so next time. But when I saw teacher's angry face, I was very scared. Actually, not only me but the whole class.
Back to my CCA in the Hwa Chong Instituition,the first day I went to this CCA, the sergeant told us about the history of the Saint John and when it arrived to Singapore. Next, we played some games as the welcome from the sergeants and the sir. We were told to introduce ourselves but everyone spoke very soft. After that, we went to the field and put some chairs as the goal posts.(That means we played football) Our teammates, Teoh Zhi Charles, touch the ball 4 times, and give opponent penalties. Haha! We lost shamefully.
The next training, we learned to march. Because I learned to march in my primary school, so it is easy but when the sergeant said "tiam",(Actually, it is a Malay word and it is called diam and it means shut up, but the sergeant said it means don't move) we could not move at all. My face felt very itchy, I wanted to scratch but the sergeant said that we must seek permission from him to scratch.
After that, we had a "competition" to see that who can reach the longest time of non-moving. I was impressive with my friend Yi Shun, he did not move for over 15 minutes. As for me, I just bear for 8 minutes. We ran from the gate to the end of the lane after having that "competition", I thought the sergeant wanted to train our stamina. Finally, it was time to dismiss. Yeah!!! I was exhausted and finally they dismissed us.
So, do write your process of you going to the CCA training in your comment.

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