Monday, March 8, 2010

Cross-Country Competition

In the end of February, there was a cross-country(or maybe marathon) in Hwa Chong Instituition. I hate it very much because I always get a "good" result in my primary school. I was very exhausted after the run in my primary school last year. I do not like to run, or even jog. I think that it is just wasting my time, I prefer soccer very much because soccer including run, kick and catch. I can do more type of sports than running in the field.
When I read the SMB, I noticed a post by Mr. Tok( My PE teacher), he said that there were "Milo Man". I was so glad because I could dink Milo after run. The day of the run, the first 6 fastest runner were chosen to run first. As for the rest of us, we ran later because teacher said that we ran just for fun.
When the run start, many participants rushed to the end of gate 3, which is located at the end of the field. I just walked briskly(or in a way of relaxing myself), I thought that I was not going to get a good position at the end of the race. So why rushed? Just wasted my energy. Reeeeeeelaxing, that feeling was so good!! The participants ran in front of me must be had a decent stamina. But when I saw a lot of people behind me, I rushed. In front of me was a steep slope, or maybe just a gently slope. No matter how, I felt like I had no weight at all, until I reached the end of it. I was almost felt like my sight was blackout, I was too tired, it still had a long way to go.
There were some students distributed mineral water to us, but I was not thirsty at all, so I kept running. At the slope that going down to the gate 2, I rushed again, but this time, I slowed down my pace. On the passage that connected gate 2 to gate 3, there were some people who liked to run passed by me, I was very imppressive of their stamina.
Finally, I turned 90 degrees to left when I reached gate 3. I entered the track again. Yeah, I had just only about 600 meters to finish this run. I was tired that time, still, I continued my walk until the last few meters and I DASHED. Tiiiiiii! The alarm beeped. One student in charge said the duration of me to finish this run. I got 12 minutes and 8 seconds, it was not a good result.
I took my belongings and went to the "Milo Van". The queue was so long that I had to wait for about 10 minutes for a cup of Milo. When the announcer announced the final result, obviously I did not get any prizes. After that, the teachers dismissed us, I finally went back to the boarding school and rested.

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