Thursday, February 24, 2011

Final Draft

Note: This is the improved version of the first draft, some grammatical errors are amended and more settings will be put into the story.

I walk into the darkness, my heart was trembling, I received the paper anxiously. The dire questions in the paper seemingly could not be solved, I was stunned. Then the invigilator started the exam, his terrifying voice startled me badly, I move my heavy hand and grabbed a pen to start writing, would I get good result or would I returned in shame? I turned and rolled my head continuously, tried to solve the questions. An annoying mosquito flew around, tried to distract me, but this motivated me to pay more attentions to the questions....

Since primary 2, I join the Olympiad Mathematics Training. My talent in Mathematics was noticed by an experienced Mathematics teacher, Mr. Lim. I often get good result in Mathematics Test. This also changed my life as I would be studying in Malaysia if I did not join the team. Mr. Lim nurtured me and other teammates to participate in the Olympiad Mathematics, it was rather different than the normal Mathematics questions as it required additional working and formulae as well as logic.

Before I joined, Mr. Lim sent me an letter to invite me. I took out the white piece of paper with only some illegible fonts. At first I thought it was a letter of reminder to pay the bills, but soon I noticed the purpose of the letter. Although I was invited, I refused to join at first, my mother also did not want me to join since the fee was costly and it was unnecessary to me. My mother always told me that tuition would not fix your hole so called weakness but it would make it bigger because some of the tuition teachers did not even teach properly, the most common way of “guiding” the students to get an A for result was to recognize and memorize the entire essay, and then pasted in their essay test such as English test and Chinese test.

But Mr. Lim seemed to be able to read both my parents' minds and mine. I also found out that he always tried to seek a chance to acquaint my mother. His effort continued until one day, whilst my mother was reading a newspaper, she suddenly shouted, “Oh my God, I can’t believe this!” In the newspaper, there was a big headline wrote “Talented Malaysian Gets Scholarship to Study in Singapore“. After reading the report, my mother encouraged me immediately to go to the Olympiad Mathematics Training so that I could also get the scholarship to decrease her burden very much since I was a burden to her too. Studying at no cost was great for parents because they could save a lot in their children's expenditure. I was shocked because I did not anticipated this moment. From that day onward, my life was covered with dark endless orb.

Knowing the fact that I would join the training, Mr. Lim was much obliged. I learned very hard to strive for the incoming Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad for Primary School. Although I wanted to reject, but for the sake of my future, I had to bear it. I also did not want to disappoint my mother who had high expectations to me. At first I tried to skip the training lesson, but my mother advised me to think of the next generation as the currency of Singapore Dollar was much bigger than Ringgit Malaysia, which meant that Singapore’s economy was better than Malaysia’s economy, and I could have better standard of life in Singapore.

To be honest, my mother transferred her burden to me. I felt stressful after a few orientations of the training, every time I heard the explanations of the answers of the questions by Mr. Lim, they were like thousands of piercing razor stabbed fatally into my heart, I carried the burden alone, it was too heavy for me to carry, I would be squashed to death. Sometimes I thought myself: Should I gave up, yielded, surrendered to the God of Fate? I did not want to continue this type of life, I wanted a life that was full of freedom and no restriction or stress. My life was getting boring and uninteresting. My mother always tried to assure me, it was Mr. Lim who gave me an analogy of studying in Malaysia and studying in Singapore, I thought for a whole day every time Mr. Lim advised me and assured me.

Finally, I decided to continue this stressful life because I would feel the hardship for only this short reading period, but I would be successful after this period as I learned more things than other classmates and therefore got higher opportunities compared to other students when I became grown-up. The competition arrived at last; I was chosen to be one of the competitors because I did well in the primary round, I felt quite exciting when my result was announced, one of the reasons was because I did not visit Singapore before, the other reason was I did not fail to meet my parents' expectation. Some of my chosen teammates and I went to Singapore by bus for the secondary and final round. This competition would judge my future fate and destiny, hence I became quite nervous.

I passed the second round successfully, and I would enter final round. If I did well then I might get the scholarship to study in Singapore. I walk into the darkness, my heart was trembling, I received the paper anxiously. The dire questions in the paper seemingly could not be solved, I was stunned. Then the invigilator started the exam, his terrifying voice startled me badly, I move my heavy hand and grabbed a pen to start writing, would I get good result or would I returned in shame? I turned and rolled my head continuously, tried to solve the question. An annoying mosquito flew around, tried to distract me, but this motivated me to pay more attentions to the questions...

Guess what? Now I am studying in Hwa Chong Instituition, it was very obvious that I did very well in the final round to get this scholarship to study in Singapore.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Settings and a short excerpt of a story

The chilling wind blew my face, terrifying stray wolves howled at night. This was not a usual route I had taken to return to my "home sweet home". This place was abandoned very long time ago, there were dumped wastes and broken, uprooted trees here. The dim light flashed like an unused wasted bulb. The shadows of things here waved on the wall, the noise of the thrown cats and dogs instilled paralyzing fear on me. I gradually slowed down my pace of footsteps as I noticed something weird. There were scribbles of the word "DIE" everywhere, the words were painted with the color which seemed like the mixture of the bloods of human and animals. I began to imagine all the scary things I would meet during this trip. Suddenly, I felt like my chest had been touched by something, a blurred shadow appeared at the back of me under the dim radiance of a corrupted road lamp......

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jews in Germany before World War II

1)Around 1933, Hitler who was the leader of the Nazi Party became the president of Germany, to get more supports from the citizens, he claimed that Jews were guilty of leading to the defeat of Germany's army in World War II, he also blamed Jews and the prosecution of the Jews started to spread widely among Germany after Hitler successfully convinced the Germans. It was considered as religion discrimination since it did not affect the entire Jews in the world but only the Jews in Germany who followed the culture of Germans.

2)The term concentration camp refers to a camp in which people are detained or confined, usually under harsh conditions and without regard to legal punishments and imprisonment that are acceptable in a constitutional democracy. In Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, concentration camps were held to imprison and capture mostly the German communists, socialists.

3)Genocide, the destruction of a people, is the most extreme form of persecution. During World War II, Hitler's dream of destroying European Jews came true. Through the use of propaganda, he successfully convinced millions of followers that the Jews were to blame for Germany's troubles, including Germany's humiliation of being defeated during World War I, and its economic depressions. Six million Jews were captured and tortured and brutally killed by the German's Nazi Army.

4)'Mein Kampf ' this book was written by Adolf Hitler about his autobiography as well as his point of views over the politics, when he started to write this book, it was in November 1923, Hitler was still not the president of Germany yet. He had the opinion to write this book was because he was 'inspired' by his fail attempt to seize the power of Germany.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Short Story First Draft

Short Story First Draft
I walk into the darkness, my heart was trembling, I received the paper anxiously. The dire questions in the paper seemingly could not be solved, I was stunned. Then the invigilator started the exam, his terrifying voice startled me badly, I move my heavy hand and grabbed a pen to start writing, would I get good result or would I returned in shame? I turned and rolled my head continuously, tried to solve the questions.

Since primary 2, I join the Olympiad Mathematics Training. My talent in Mathematics was noticed by an experienced Mathematics teacher, Mr. Lim. I often get good result in Mathematics Test. This also changed my life as I would be studying in Malaysia if I did not join the team. Mr. Lim nurtured me and other teammates to participate in the Olympiad Mathematics, it was rather different than the normal Mathematics questions as it required additional working and formulae as well as logic.

When I received the invitation letter, I refused to join, my mother also did not want me to join since the fee was costly and it was unnecessary to me. My mother always told me that tuition would not fix your hole so called weakness but it would make it bigger because some of the tuition teachers did not even teach properly, the most common way of “guiding” the students to get an A for result was to recognize and memorize the entire essay, and then pasted in their essay test such as English test and Chinese test.

But Mr. Lim seemed to be able to read my mind. I also found out that he always tried to seek a chance to clarify the advantages of this training to my mother. One day, while my mother was reading a newspaper, she suddenly shouted, “Oh my God, I can’t believe this!” In the newspaper, there was a big headline wrote “Talented Malaysian Gets Scholarship to Study in Singapore“. After reading the report, my mother encouraged me immediately to go to the Olympiad Mathematics Training so that I could also get the scholarship to decrease her burden very much since I was a burden to her too. Studying at no cost was great for parents because they could save a lot in their children’s expenditure.

Knowing the fact that I would join the training, Mr. Lim was much obliged. I learned very hard to strive for the incoming Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad for Primary School which could be called APMOPS. I also did not want to disappoint my mother who had high expectations to me. At first I tried to be truancy of the training lesson, but my mother advised me to think of the next generation as the currency of Singapore Dollar was much bigger than Ringgit Malaysia, which meant that Singapore’s economy was better than Malaysia’s economy.

To be honest, my mother transferred her burden to me. I felt stressful after a few orientations of the training, every time I heard the explanation of the answers of the questions by Mr. Lim, it was like thousands of piercing razor stabbed fatally into my heart, I carried the burden alone. Sometimes I thought myself, should I gave up, yielded, surrendered to the God of Fate? I did not want to continue this type of life, I wanted a life that was full of freedom and no restrictions or stresses. The life of me was getting boring and uninteresting. My mother always tried to assure me, it was Mr. Lim who gave me an analogy of studying in Malaysia and studying in Singapore, I thought for a whole day every time Mr. Lim advised me and assured me.

Finally, I decided to continue this stressful life because I would feel the hardship for only this short reading period, but I would be successful after this period as I learned more things than other classmates and therefore got higher opportunities compared to other students when I became grown-up. The APMOPS arrived at last; I was chosen to be one of the competitors because I did well in the primary round. Some of my chosen teammates and I went to Singapore by bus for the secondary and final round. This competition would judge my future fate and destiny and hence I became quite nervous.

I passed the second round successfully, and I would enter final round. If I did well then I might get the scholarship to study in Singapore. I walk into the darkness, my heart was trembling, I received the paper anxiously. The dire questions in the paper seemingly could not be solved, I was stunned. Then the invigilator started the exam, his terrifying voice startled me badly, I move my heavy hand and grabbed a pen to start writing, would I get good result or would I returned in shame? I turned and rolled my head continuously, tried to solve the question.

Guess what? Now I am studying in Hwa Chong Instituition, it was very obvious that I did very well in the final round to get this scholarship to study in Singapore.

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Mysterian, 6 years later and still goin' strong!